import java.awt.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; /** * Provides the static framework for a cellular autonome, comprised of an array of Cell objects */ public class CellularAutonome11 extends JComponent { // Grid of Cells /** * Number of cells along cellular autonome grid axis */ private static int Nx ; /** * Output file name root with path attached */ private static String fileNameRoot ="a"; public static final double logConversionFactor = Math.log(10); /** * Total number of cells in cellular autonome */ public static int TotalCellNumber; /** * Number of timestep iterations */ public static int runtimeDuration; /** * Case integer used to determine loading method */ public static int loadingMechanism; public static int neighbourNumber=6; /** * Total number of ruptures in a timestep */ public static int totalNumberOfRuptures; public static int runningRuptureCount; private static final int binWidth = 500; /** * Dissipation factor */ private static double beta; private static double geometricFactor; private static double asymmetricFactor = 1.0; private static int histOutputPeriod=50; private static int histOutputTime; /** * Boolean question on whether to use periodic boundary conditions, default is true. */ private static boolean usePeriodicBC; /** * Number of times a loading increment has been added. * This is equivalent to the number of ruptures in the time continuous model * and equivalent to the number uniform load additions in the time continuous. */ public static int time = 0; /** * Total stress load added to each cell from driving plate */ public static double totalLoadingStress = 0; public static double loadingStressOutputIncrement=0.05; public static double nextOutputLoadingStress; /** * Array of Cell objects that make up the cellular autonome */ public static Cell11[] allCells; /** * Are there new ruptures to propogate? */ public static boolean newRuptures = false; /** * File writer */ private static FileWriter fw; /** * File writed for area stats */ private static FileWriter fwArea, fwStress; /** * File writer for rupture number and total loading */ public static FileWriter fwRuptureNumber; /** * Maximum rupture strength threshold for lattice */ public static double maxStrength = 1.0; /** * Minimum rupture strength threshold for lattice */ public static double minStrength = 1.0; /** * Percentage noise to be added */ public static double percentageNoise = 0; /** * Magnitude of the constant stress increment */ public static double constantStressIncrement = 0.001; public static double maxRelaxStressFactor = 0; /** * Bin of frequency magnitude for energy levels in leaf springs */ private static int[] leafSpringEnergyBin; private static int[] leafSpringStressBin; private static int[] leafIncrementStressBin; private static int[] connectingIncrementStressBin; private static int[] cumLeafStressBin; private static int[] cumConnectingStressBin; private static double totalCumLeaf, totalCumConnecting; /** * Bin of frequency magnitude for energy levels in connecting springs */ private static int[] connectingSpringEnergyBin; private static int[] connectingSpringStressBin; public static int[] areaFreqHist; public static int[] areaFreqHist2; public static int[] areaFreqHistInterval,areaFreqHistCum; public static int [] initialRuptureSite; public static int [] numberOfRupturesFromSite; /** * Initialises the array of cells with their initial values * */ public void init() { TotalCellNumber = Nx * Nx; totalLoadingStress = 0; leafSpringEnergyBin = new int [binWidth]; connectingSpringEnergyBin = new int [binWidth]; leafSpringStressBin = new int [binWidth]; connectingSpringStressBin = new int [binWidth]; areaFreqHist = new int [TotalCellNumber+1]; areaFreqHist2 = new int [TotalCellNumber+1]; areaFreqHistInterval = new int [TotalCellNumber+1]; areaFreqHistCum = new int [TotalCellNumber+1]; initialRuptureSite = new int [TotalCellNumber]; numberOfRupturesFromSite = new int [TotalCellNumber]; // geometricFactor = 1/( 2 + 2*asymmetricFactor ); double doubleNeighbourNumber = (double) neighbourNumber; geometricFactor = 1/doubleNeighbourNumber; System.out.println (geometricFactor); runningRuptureCount=0; nextOutputLoadingStress=loadingStressOutputIncrement; histOutputTime = histOutputPeriod; leafIncrementStressBin = new int [binWidth]; connectingIncrementStressBin = new int [binWidth]; cumConnectingStressBin = new int [binWidth]; cumLeafStressBin = new int [binWidth]; for (int i=0; i<=TotalCellNumber; i++ ){ areaFreqHist[i]=0; } // Create an array of Cell objects allCells = new Cell11[TotalCellNumber]; Cell11.setAutonomeCellParameters( Nx, neighbourNumber, maxStrength, minStrength, beta, usePeriodicBC, maxRelaxStressFactor); for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) for (int j = 0; j < Nx; j++){ int n = i + j * Nx; // allCells[n] = new Cell11( i, j, Nx, maxStrength, minStrength, beta, usePeriodicBC, maxRelaxStressFactor); allCells[n] = new Cell11( i, j); } } /** * Initialise data streams * */ public void initStreams() { try { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "-meanStress.out"; fw = new FileWriter( fileName ); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot open logger file"); } try { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "-freqAreaIntervals.out"; fwArea = new FileWriter( fileName ); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot open freqArea file"); } try { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "-StressIntervals.out"; fwStress = new FileWriter( fileName ); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot open fwStress file"); } try { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "-RuptureNoAndStressEvolution.out"; fwRuptureNumber = new FileWriter( fileName ); fwRuptureNumber.write("time ruptureCount totalStressLoad \n"); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot open totalRuptureNumber file"); } } /** * Print the runtime parameters to file */ public void printWorldParameters(){ try { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "-worldPara.out"; FileWriter fwPara = new FileWriter( fileName ); fwPara.write("fileNameRoot, " + fileNameRoot + "\n"); fwPara.write("Nx, " + Nx + "\n"); fwPara.write("TotalCellNumber, " + TotalCellNumber + "\n"); fwPara.write("neighbourNumber, " + neighbourNumber + "\n"); fwPara.write("beta, " + beta + "\n"); fwPara.write("loadingMechanism, " + loadingMechanism + "\n"); fwPara.write(" 1: Constant, 2: To rupture, 3: Random \n"); fwPara.write("constantStressIncrement, " + constantStressIncrement +"\n"); fwPara.write("maxStrength, " + maxStrength + "\n"); fwPara.write("minStrength, " + minStrength + "\n"); fwPara.write("percentageNoise, " + percentageNoise + "\n"); fwPara.write("usePeriodicBC, " + usePeriodicBC + "\n"); fwPara.write("runtimeDuration, " + runtimeDuration + "\n"); fwPara.write("maxRelaxStressFactor, " + maxRelaxStressFactor + "\n"); fwPara.write("geometricFactor, " + geometricFactor + "\n"); fwPara.write("asymmetricFactor, " + asymmetricFactor + "\n"); fwPara.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot open logger file"); } } public void propagateStressToNeighboursOf(int n){ double stressIncrement = geometricFactor * allCells[n].getOverFlowStress(); int neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour( 0 ) ; if( neighbour >-1 ) { allCells[neighbour].propagateStress(stressIncrement); initialRuptureSite[neighbour] = initialRuptureSite[n]; } neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour( 1 ) ; if( neighbour >-1 ) { allCells[neighbour].propagateStress(stressIncrement); initialRuptureSite[neighbour] = initialRuptureSite[n]; } neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour( 2 ) ; if( neighbour >-1 ) { allCells[neighbour].propagateStress(asymmetricFactor * stressIncrement); initialRuptureSite[neighbour] = initialRuptureSite[n]; } neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour( 3 ) ; if( neighbour >-1 ) { allCells[neighbour].propagateStress(asymmetricFactor * stressIncrement); initialRuptureSite[neighbour] = initialRuptureSite[n]; } } /** * * */ public void sendDataToDataStream() { double totalStress = 0 ; double cellStress; String s; /* try { fw.write("Time " + time + "\n"); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot write to logger file"); } */ try {LomnitzAutonome.autonomeThread.sleep(50);} catch (InterruptedException e) {} for (int n = 0; n < TotalCellNumber; n++){ cellStress = allCells[n].getCellStress(); totalStress += cellStress; } double meanStress = totalStress / TotalCellNumber ; try { fw.write(meanStress + "\n") ; } catch (IOException e) {} try { LomnitzAutonome.autonomeThread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} // Bin leaf spring energy proxy for(int n = 0; n < TotalCellNumber; n++){ cellStress = allCells[n].getCellStress(); int cellStressBin = (int) (cellStress * binWidth); leafSpringStressBin[cellStressBin]++; double cellEnergyProxy = binWidth * cellStress * cellStress; int cellEnergyBin = (int) cellEnergyProxy ; leafSpringEnergyBin[cellEnergyBin]++; } //Bin connecting spring energy proxy for(int n = 0; n < TotalCellNumber; n++){ cellStress = allCells[n].getCellStress(); for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++){ int neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour(i) ; if(neighbour >=0 ) { double connectingSpringStressDiff = Math.abs(cellStress - allCells[neighbour].getCellStress()); int cellStressBin = (int) (connectingSpringStressDiff * binWidth); connectingSpringStressBin[cellStressBin]++; int cellEnergyBin = (int) (binWidth * connectingSpringStressDiff * connectingSpringStressDiff); connectingSpringEnergyBin[cellEnergyBin]++; } } } // double nextIncrement = getStressIncrement( loadingMechanism ); // if( totalLoadingStress + nextIncrement > nextOutputLoadingStress ){ if( totalLoadingStress >= nextOutputLoadingStress ){ // double incrementToOutput = nextOutputLoadingStress-totalLoadingStress; // totalLoadingStress += incrementToOutput; // for (int n = 0; n < TotalCellNumber; n++){ // allCells[n].incrementStress(incrementToOutput, 0); // } // if(histOutputTime==time){ try{ fwArea.write("Time = " + time + " runningRuptureCount = " + runningRuptureCount); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot print to running histogram file"); } writeAreaFreqHist( TotalCellNumber, areaFreqHistInterval,areaFreqHistCum, fwArea); histOutputTime += histOutputPeriod; for(int n=1 ;n<=TotalCellNumber; n++){ areaFreqHistInterval[n]=0; } for(int n = 0; n < binWidth; n++){ connectingIncrementStressBin[n]=0; leafIncrementStressBin[n]=0; } for(int n = 0; n < TotalCellNumber; n++){ cellStress = allCells[n].getCellStress(); int cellStressBin = (int) (cellStress * binWidth); leafIncrementStressBin[cellStressBin]++; cumLeafStressBin[cellStressBin]++; totalCumLeaf++; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++){ int neighbour = allCells[n].getNeighbour(i) ; if(neighbour >=0 ) { double connectingSpringStressDiff = Math.abs(cellStress - allCells[neighbour].getCellStress()); cellStressBin = (int) (connectingSpringStressDiff * binWidth); connectingIncrementStressBin[cellStressBin]++; cumConnectingStressBin[cellStressBin]++; totalCumConnecting++; } } } try{ fwStress.write("> time =" + time + " \n"); for(int n=0 ;n0){ double logN = Math.log(n) / logConversionFactor; double logArea = Math.log( areaFreqHist[n] ) / logConversionFactor; fw.write(logN + " " + logArea + " \n"); } } } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot write to histogram file"); } } public static void writeAreaFreqHist(int TotalCellNumber, int areaFreqHist[], int areaFreqHist2[], FileWriter fw){ try{ for(int n=1 ;n<=TotalCellNumber; n++){ if((areaFreqHist[n]>0)||(areaFreqHist2[n]>0)){ double logN = Math.log(n) / logConversionFactor; double logArea = Math.log( areaFreqHist[n] ) / logConversionFactor; double logArea2 = Math.log( areaFreqHist2[n] ) / logConversionFactor; fw.write(logN + " " + logArea + " " + logArea2 + " \n"); } } } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("Cannot write to histogram file"); } } public static void writeCSE (int binNumber, int connectingSpringEnergyBin[] , double total, FileWriter fw){ try{ fw.write("n normConnectingSpringEnergyBin normConnectingSpringStressBin \n"); for(int n=0 ;n