Brian Pendleton's Front Page
Contact Details
- Physical Address:
School of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The King's Buildings
Edinburgh EH9 3FD
Europe - Office: Room 4408, JCMB
- Phone: [+44] (0)131 650 5245
- Email: Brian.Pendleton 'at'
Particle Physics Theory (PPT)- My greatest hits
QCD and Numerical Analysis III
The webpage has gone to a better place, but you can still buy the book!
UKQCD collaboration
- Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
- Peter Higgs web pages
- Something substantial on Lattice Field Theory should appear here one day.
Teaching and Related Activities in Academic Year 2023-2024
- Junior Honours : Electromagnetism and Relativity [Semester 1]
- Pre-Honours : Introductory Fields and Waves [not here yet!] [Semester 2]
- TP/MP MSc : Research Skills for Theoretical Physics [Team Member]
- MPhys & TP/MP MSc : Project Supervisor
- Mathematical Physics : Academic Advisor