

I’m happy to give public lectures & talks to school groups.  Please get email me victoria.martin@ed.ac.uk.  If I don’t reply, please email to remind me!  (I get a lot of email.)

Resources for teaching particle physics in the CfE Higher.

Public lectures:

  1. May 2017: Keynote speaker at Planks symposium in Graz, Austria. 

  2. March 2017: British Council India Science & Beyond lecture tour: The Higgs boson: past, present & future, Panjab University, Chandigar; IIT Guwahati; Andhra & GITAM Universities in Visakhapatnam.

  3. February 2017: The Higgs boson: past, present & future, Airdrie Astronomical association.

  4. September 2016: Particles Way Beyond, Orkney Science Festival

  5. September 2015: From Maxwell to Higgs, and Beyond! with Alan Walker, Orkney Science Festival

  6. June 2015: Public Lecture at the Royal Institution, London Big Bucks for Big Bosons: Should we still be paying for the Large Hadron Collider? 

  7. June 2015: Public lecture, Alumni Weekend, University of Edinburgh

  8. May 2014: Public lecture, Royal Scottish Society of the Arts

  9. April 2014: Public lecture, Plockton Town Hall with Peter Higgs and Alan Walker

  10. November 2013: Public lecture, National Museum of Scotland

  11. October 2013: Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland & Women’s Engineering Society: MacMillan Memorial Lecture

  12. September 2013:  Public lecture, Glasgow Café Scientifique

  13. May & June 2013: An audience with Peter Higgs, Public lectures with Peter Higgs, Edinburgh & Dublin

  14. March 2013: Public lecture, Dunbar Science Festival

  15. January 2013: Searching for that God (damn) particle, Public lecture, Kilmarnock Engineering & Science Society

Events with teachers and school pupils:

  1. November 2015: Organiser of the Particle Physics in the New Curriculum for Excellence, a weekend workshop for Scottish school teachers.

  2. May 2015: Presentations at St Columba’s School, Kilmacolm

  3. December 2014: Presentation to Science Club, George Watson’s School, Edinburgh

  4. September 2014: IOP Scotland Higgs boson prize giving, Royal Society of Edinburgh

  5. September 2014: Presentation at Fettes School, Edinburgh

  6. May 2014: Keynote talk, Scottish Institute of Physics Teachers’ Conference

  7. April 2014: Presentations at Plockton High School

  8. March 2014: Presentations for National Science and Engineering Week, Grange Academy, Kilmarnock (my Alma Matter!)

  9. November 2012: Presentation to STEM Society, Craigmount High School, Edinburgh

Contributions to Outreach Exhibitions:

  1. Contributor and consultant to National Museum of Scotland on particle physics, ongoing.

  2. European Night of Researchers, National Museum of Scotland, September 2014: The Higgs Boson and Beyond

  3. Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2014: The Higgs Boson and Beyond

  4. Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2013: Understanding the Higgs Boson

  5. LHC at the Scottish Parliament, February 2013.

  6. Edinburgh International Science Festival, 2006 - ongoing: Exhibitor with Particle Physics for Scottish Schools