
  1. Lecture 1.    05/02/07   Introduction to PP                     Lecture1.pdf

  2. Lecture 2.    12/02/07   Practical Particle Physics          Lecture2.pdf

  3. Lecture 3.    15/02/07   QED and Feynman Diagrams   Lecture3.pdf

  4. Lecture 4.    19/02/07  Accelerator and Detectors          Lecture4.pdf

  5. Lecture 5.    22/02/07  Quarks and Leptons                   Lecture5.pdf

  6. Lecture 6.    26/02/07  Mesons and Baryons                  Lecture6.pdf

  7. Lecture 7.    01/03/07  Quantum Chromodynamics       Lecture7.pdf

  8. Lecture 8.    05/03/07  Weak Force 1                             Lecture8.pdf

  9. Lecture 9.    08/03/07  Weak Force 2                             Lecture9.pdf

  10. Lecture 10.  12/03/07  The Standard Model & Beyond Lecture10.pdf   (we didn’t go over slides 9-11)

  11. Review Lecture                                                              ReviewLecture.pdf  

  12. List of particles (distributed 15/02/06):                         ParticleProperties.pdf

  13.         Study Guide                                                        PP3StudyGuide.pdf


Victoria Martin

JCMB 4405



Particle physics workshops start the week of 19th February 2007.

  1. Mondays 12:10 - 13:00 in JCMB room 5327

  2. Tuesdays 14:00 -14:50 in JCMB room 5327.

  3. Problem Sheet 1 problems1.pdf

  4. Problem Sheet 2 problems2.pdf

  5. Problem Sheet 3 problems3.pdf

  6. Problem Sheet 4 problems4.pdf

If you took the course in 2007, please email to ask for solutions.

Junior Honours Nuclear and Particle Physics 2007

Particle Physics


Particle Data Group:  masses, lifetimes, widths and branching fractions of all the particle we know about.  


2004 Noble Prize in Physics: Information on QCD


Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients (pdf)  Used to add isospin - and spin!!

Perceptions of the Extreme Unseen: artist’s interpretation of the Standard Model particles, as seen in lectures, and an explanation of the interpretation.