% This is typical (short) BiBTeX file for journal % articles that can be cited in the main article by % for example simply putting in \cite{jr:askin} @Article{jr:ashkin, Author = "A. Ashkin, J.M. Dziedzic, J.E. Bjorkholm and S. Chu", Title = "Observation of a single beam gradient force optical tap for dielectric particles", Journal = "Optics Letters", Volune = 11, Pages = "288-290", Year = 1986} @Article{jr:dholakia, Author="K. Dholakia, G. Spalding and M. MacDonald", Title="Optical tweezers: the next generation", Journal="Physics World", Volume=15, Month=10, Year=2002} @Article{jr:block, Author= "S.M. Block, H.C. Blair and H.C. Berg", Title = "Compliance of bacterial flagella measured with optical tweezers", Journal="Nature", Volume=388, Pages="514-516", Year=1989} @Article{jr:dammann, Author="H. Dammann and K. Gortler", Title="High-efficiency in-line multiple imaging by means of multiple phase holograms", Journal="Optics Communiation", Volume=3, Pages="312-318", Year=1971}