Date | Time | Room | Speaker | Institute | Title |
07/01/2009 | 2pm | 3218 | Hiroyuki Kawamura | Liverpool | Operator product expansion for B-meson distribution amplitudes |
14/01/2009 | 2pm | LT B | Tania Robens | Aachen | Alternative dipole subtraction using Nagy-Soper dipoles |
21/01/2009 | 2pm | SUPA room | Dirk Brömmel | Southampton | Meson Distribution Amplitudes and their Renormalisation |
28/01/2009 | 2pm | LT B | David Lin | NCTU, Taiwan | Learning to walk step by step on the lattice |
04/02/2009 | 10.30am | Royal Society | Higgs Maxwell Workshop | Edinburgh | Current Status and Future Prospects |
11/02/2009 | 2pm | LT B | Eric Gregory | Glasgow | Precision B meson mass calculations with NRQCD and HISQ quarks |
18/02/2009 | 2pm | LT B | Claudio Pica | Edinburgh | Beyond QCD applications of LGT with fermions in higher representations |
03/03/2009 | 5pm | 6301 | Jack Smith | Stony Brook | General mass variable flavour parton densities |
04/03/2009 | 4pm | 5326 | Nicolas Greiner | Zürich | Automation of the Dipole Subtraction Method in Madgraph |
25/03/2009 | 2pm | LT B | Maurizio Piai | Swansea | Walking dynamics from string duals |
08/04/2009 | 2pm | 5326 | John Campbell | Glasgow | A fresh look at single top production |
15/04/2009 | 2pm | 6206 | Tobias Kleinschmidt | Edinburgh | Numerical evaluation of loop integrals using Feynman's tree theorem |
22/04/2009 | 2pm | 5215 | Philipp Maierhöfer | Karlsruhe | From Current Correlators to Heavy Quark Masses |
06/05/2009 | 2pm | 5215 | Douglas Ross | Southampton | Low-x Gluon Distribution from Discrete BFKL Pomerons |
14/05/2009 | 2pm | 5215 | Nicolas Garron | Madrid | Non-perturbative HQET at the 1/m order |
27/05/2009 | 2pm | 5215 | Mar Bastero-Gil | Granada | Inflation and Supergravity |
The Colloquia are held in various rooms in the James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB), King's Buildings.
Maps of the University in the City of Edinburgh can be found