Davide Marenduzzo


Room 2506, The School of Physics, The University of Edinburgh,
James Clerk Maxwell Building, The Kings Buildings,
Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)131 6505289
E-mail: dmarendu_at_ph.ed.ac.uk

I am a lecturer in Biophysics in the University of Edinburgh, in the soft condensed matter group.

Before that, I was a post-doc in Warwick University (Oct 04- Mar 06, working with Nigel Burroughs in the Maths Institute), in Oxford University (Oct 02-Sep 04, working in Julia Yeomans's group in the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics), and, even before (Nov 99- Oct 02), a PhD student in SISSA/ISAS in Trieste, Italy, Sector of Statistical and Biological Physics.

I am interested in soft condensed matter physics, in statistical mechanics and in biological physics.

Current research interests

Biologically motivated

Non-biologically motivated

Methods used

Click here to see my papers (list only, please e-mail me in case you are interested in re- or pre-prints).

Some physics links

Last updated: 01/07/09