Simon Titmuss
Simon Titmuss
I am a Lecturer in the School of Physics at the University of Edinburgh (a member of SUPA) and work with the National Physical Laboratory on Length scale Bridging in Biophysical Systems.
My main interests are at the Physics & Life Science (PaLS) interface and currently focus on the physics of viruses & bacteria.
I make extensive use of neutron and x-ray scattering techniques at ISIS, ILL & Diamond.
I currently teach Biological Physics (PHYS11040) (4th & 5th year), run Group projects (4th year), demonstrate in the Junior Honours Lab (3rd year) and am a Personal Tutor.
Dr Simon Titmuss
School of Physics & Astronomy
The King’s Buildings
University of Edinburgh
Mayfield Road
+44 131 6505267
If you are interested in working with me as PhD student or post-doc please get in contact.
Working on the neutron reflectometer D17 @ ILL
Arthur’s Seat viewed from the Pentlands