AIDA Meeting - STFC RAL - 12 May 2008 ------------------------------------- Present: TD, PCS, RDP, SL (via video conference from STFC DL) SLT, DB, ZL Apologies: JS, IL Summary of meeting ------------------ AIDA DSSD enclosure (SRA) AIDA Mechanical Design (SRA) Al enclosure - query exact material/alloy type DS has prepared drawings with RISING - RDP will send copies of drawings RDP will talk to PJN about DS time/availability Commissioning experiment (SRA) SRA/ZL will prepare draft proposal for next meeting and circulate nominal MSU mid'-09 AIDA simulations (ZL) Underlying structures defined/constructed Still missing from sim - kapton cables electronics modules Next step - implement physics output ZL will contact Alejandro Algora to provide update ASIC Design Review Reset s/w controlled Remaining design blocks from previous designs October submission date, 12 week MPW Mezzanine - design/layout @ RAL, implementation @ DL Layout of Kapton - inter-strip capacitance, TD to find out design rules Addition of x10 TFA between CSPA and disc does not improve jitter but does improve walk FEE Design Review (PCS) PCS/Jim Thornhill to check LSC ultrasonic wire bonding capability and time slot Dec '08/Jan '09 Next Meeting: 28-30.7.08