Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of EdinburghTop
Computing: courses, help and information


This page is an introduction to using the linux machines in CPlab and is aimed at new users to linux.








Origins and purpose   (top)

The Laboratory exists to support the Physics Department's teaching programme in Computational Physics. Its facilities are available to all students taking courses in the Department.


Staff   (top)

The Laboratory Superintendent is Liz McIvor.


Facilities and access   (top)

The Laboratory comprises of:

      29 Dell machines with Redhat linux 7.1 operating system installed.

The CPlab is open to all registered users between the hours of 8AM and 6PM, Monday to Friday. Those wishing access to the laboratory outside these hours should consult the Laboratory Superintendent (Liz) and fill out an application form, which will need to be signed by your Director of Studies. Once registered, you are able to swipe in to the lab with your matriculation card (using your matric. card's PIN).

Outside normal hours, or when the Laboratory is being fully utilised for a class, registered users may access the Laboratory facilities over the network. The main CPlab machine open to network access is

Most of the material associated with CPlab-based courses is available on World Wide Web. Access to the relevant WWW pages is, however currently restricted to the University Campus. If you require to access these pages from outwith the campus, see Liz McIvor for a password.


Logging in and out   (top)

To log in, simply type your CPlab account name (the one that starts with p followed by your matric. number) and password into the relevant text boxes. Your password won't appear as it is typed so that others can't read it.

If you've forgotten your password or don't have an account set up already, see the lab superintendent, Liz McIvor.

To log out click the IceWM button at the bottom left of the screen (on the taskbar) and then "Logout...". You should see the dialog box below...


After making sure you've saved your files, click on OK and you'll see the login screen again.


Do I have to use the same machine everytime?   (top)

No; your home directory will be automatically be mounted to whichever machine you happen to be sitting at each time you visit the lab.


I used to login to basil/sybil, why am I logging into cplabXX now? (top)

The new cplab machines utilise local cpu and memory, rather than running lots of sessions from a server such as Basil or Sybil. You can still access basil/sybil by ssh'ing into them, where you will find all the same applications as before (remember to use the "-X" ssh X-forwarding option for graphical applications). If you are unsure about ssh, see the next section.


How do I use ssh?  (top)

The program ssh (client for secure shell) emulates being at the shell prompt of a remote machine once you are logged in. Here are examples of how to run it:

            "ssh<hostname>" - logs into hostname as $USER (current user),
            "ssh -l <username> <hostname>" - allows you to specify a different user to login as,
            "ssh -l <username> -X <hostname>" - enables X-forwarding for running graphical applications remotely.


The Taskbar   (top)

The taskbar resides at the bottom of the screen once you are logged in. It is a tool for managing your desktop. The desktop is the environment where your windows (e.g. Netscape, Xterm, etc.) can be resized, moved, iconified, maximised, layered, etc. From left to right, the taskbar shows: a shortcut menu button, shortcuts to XTerm and Netscape, shortcuts to your other desktops, a list of open application windows and the time. It should look something like this...


By clicking on the IceWM shortcut menu button you'll see a list of categories of shortcuts to programs. Note: You can also access this menu by pressing CTRL and ESC keys together or by left-clicking anywhere on your desktop.


For example if you wanted to run ghostview you could click on Apps and then Ghostview.

By clicking on the Terminal or Netscape logos next to the IceWM button an XTerm or Netscape window will open.

The numbered desktops (1...4) are extra space for putting windows. For example, if you have too many windows open one desktop area might become cluttered so you could send some of the windows to desktop 2. You can move a window to another desktop by clicking the upper-left most button on a window and then selecting Move To..


Browsing the web   (top)

In the CPlab Netscape Navigator is our chosen WWW browser. There are several ways to access it:


The shell prompt   (top)

To access the shell prompt, which is an important aspect of linux, simply click on the XTerm button next to the IceWM shortcut menu button. Its the one with a picture of a computer on it.

A window will appear, which looks like this (perhaps a little larger):


You can now interact textually with linux. You can find out more about commands in this tutorial.


Where to save your files   (top)

You have your own personal (home) directory in /Home/$USER which is located on sybil/basil, a remote network file server for the Physics department. In order to save files in that directory, preceed the filename with '~/<filename>' where '~' represents the path to your home directory.

Alternatively, you can save files to the 'scratch' space on your machine (see next section).


Scratch   (top)

There is a large partition on each machine in the CPlab that is mounted to /scratch (ie. its path). Its purpose is for users who need more disk space than their quota provides to store temporary files. As every machine has its own /scratch directory, the files you save there will only be available on that machine. THIS DATA IS NOT BACKED UP and may be lost in the event of a system failure. Do not store important data here.


Quota   (top)

Your home directory looks the same on every machine in the CPlab as it is mounted from sybil/basil. Your quota is the amount of disk space on sybil/basil that has been allocated to you. To find out what your quota is and how much of it you have left, simply type 'quota' at the shell prompt (e.g. XTerm).

If you feel you need to have your quota allocation reviewed, speak to the lab superintendent (Liz).


Viewing Postscript and PDF files   (top)

The application Ghostview can be used for viewing Postscript files and is found on the shortcut menu under Apps (see section above on 'The Taskbar'). For PDF (Portable Document Format) files, Acrobat Reader can be used and is also found in the shortcut menu under Apps.

To run Ghostview or Acrobat Reader from the shell prompt type:


Setting your desktop background (wallpaper)   (top)

In order to set the desktop wallpaper you will need to create a directory in your home directory called ".icewm" (type "mkdir ~/.icewm") and copy the local file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icewm/preferences into it (type "cp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icewm/preferences ~/.icewm/"). The reason for this is that when you login, icewm will look for its configuration files first in ~/.icewm. If the directory doesn't exist, it proceeds to load its default configuration instead.

Insert the line,
        DesktopBackgroundImage="path to your file"
and change the file to be used to your own.

Tip: To create a '.xpm' image file from a '.jpg', use gimp to save your 'foo.jpg' as 'foo.xpm'

You can also read the IceWM manual, which provides a full description of the configuration files.


Why don't you run KDE or Gnome?   (top)

We prefer a window manager that can be utilised across the range of machine platforms we run in the department (Sun, Linux); at present IceWM is the most suitable.


How to access cd's and floppy disks   (top)

To access your floppy disk, first you need to mount it to a mount point (a directory that will act like the root node of the tree of the file system being mounted). For example, to mount a floppy disk, type:

                "mount  /mnt/floppy"

To mount a cd, follow the above steps for a floppy and replace "floppy" with "cdrom".

Now you can access your floppy with "cd /mnt/floppy".


The CD writers   (top)

There are CD writers installed on 5 machines in CPlab, cplab25 to cplab29. These computers are located at the back of the lab and can be used by anyone who has acess to the lab.

To write a cd you will need to use an application called "xcdroast". The first time you load roast you will get an error telling you that you don't have a configuration file. There is no need to worry however, to fix this simply click on the setup then save configuration buttons. Exit roast and start it again and you will never have to worry about it again.

There are several ways to write a cd:

1) To write a cd from an iso disk image ( will have a .iso file extension ie image_name.iso):

       You need to copy the image to the directory /scratch/CD  to do this type :

            cp image_name.iso /scratch/CD/image_name.iso

2) To duplicate an existing cd :

3) To write a cd from files on your hard disk:

Section thanks to Stewart Lynn


Latex   (top)

You can find local setup info here and a document preparation tutorial for new users for LaTeX here.


Links to further information   (top)