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Commission on High Pressure

Links of interest to high pressure structural scientists


Ross Angel's Equation of State, Peak integration and other software

Collaborative Computational Project Number 14 CCP14
A comprehensive repository of  general crystallographic software and information on its use.

Organisations and societies

AIRAPT (International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology )

European High Pressure Research Group
EHPRG also operates a directory of high pressure scientists which can be found here

The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology

Central facilities offering high-pressure

Here is a short summary of synchrotron and neutron sources which offer high-pressure facilities

Useful information

The commission is compiling a datasheet area of useful information such as equations of state, phase diagrams etc. which can be found here

High Pressure/High Temperature Data Center  

A selection of siginficant high-pressure literature and other information sponsered by the H  Tracy Hall  foundation