add(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.Complex
Static add method with two parameters
add(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Add a double to real part of element
add(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Add a Complex to specified
add(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a real double to an element in one-dimensions.
add(int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a real double to an element in two-dimensions.
add(int, int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a real double to an element in three-dimensions.
add(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a complex to an element in one-dimensions.
add(int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a Complex to an element in one-dimensions.
add(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a Complex to an element in two-dimensions.
add(int, int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a Complex to an element in three-dimensions.
add(DataArray) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to add a specified DataArray to the current DataArray, both must be the same size.
add(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Add a double to an element
add(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Add a Complex specified by two doubles to an element
addPlanFlag(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to add to the plan flag
addTo(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to add to the current Complex
addTo(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Void method to add to the current Complex
ArrayUtil - Class in jfftw
Class containing some useful static method to manipulate double arrays containing complex data used in jfftw.
ArrayUtil() - Constructor for class jfftw.ArrayUtil


BACKWARD - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for backward (on inverse) FFT
BOTH - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify both parts of a Complex number


centreFourier() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to form centred Fourier using applying checker pattern to shift DC the centre of the array.
checker() - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to apply a +/1 checker patterns to the Complex data, used to form centred FFTW.
checker() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Abstract method to apply a checker pattern to shift the centre
checker() - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to apply a checker in either Real or Fourier space.
CheckerBoard - Class in jfftw.demo
Test program to form a two-dimensional checkerboard in a complex two-dimensional data array.
CheckerBoard() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.CheckerBoard
clear() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to clear the databuffer by setting all elements to zero.
clearWisdom() - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Void method to clear the wisdom information
clone() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to clone the current Complex
clone() - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Form a deep clone of current ComplexDataArray, including data.
clone() - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Form a deep clone of current RealDataArray, including data.
Complex - Class in jfftw
Class to handle Complex numbers and arithmetic.
Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class jfftw.Complex
Constructor for Complex with two doubles
Complex(double) - Constructor for class jfftw.Complex
Constructor for Complex with real part only
Complex() - Constructor for class jfftw.Complex
Default constructor for Complex with both real and imaginary zero
Complex(Complex) - Constructor for class jfftw.Complex
Constructor for Complex with Complex parameter
ComplexDataArray - Class in jfftw
Class to handle Complex Data arrays in either Real or Fourier space.
ComplexDataArray(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Constructor to form a three-dimensional ComplexDataArray, which defaults to FFTW.REAL space.
ComplexDataArray(int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Constructor to form a two-dimensional ComplexDataArray, which defaults to FFTW.REAL space.
ComplexDataArray(int) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Constructor to form a one-dimensional ComplexDataArray, which defaults to FFTW.REAL space.
ComplexDataArray(int, int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Form a general ComplexDataArray with specified dimensional and supplied data array, which is NOT copied, it is used internally.
ComplexDataArray(DataArray) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Form a ComplexDataArray from supplied DataArray.
ComplexDataArray(BufferedImage, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Constructor to form the a two-dimensional ComplexDataArray from a band of a Java BufferedImage.
ComplexDemo - Class in jfftw.demo
ComplexDemo() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.ComplexDemo
conj() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
The Complex conjugate of the current Complex
conjugate(double[], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Conjugate specified element of an interleaved array
conjugate(double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to take form the conjugate of an interleaved array by taking the negative of imaginary parts.
conjugate(double[][]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to take form the conjugate of a split array by taking the negative of the imaginary parts.
conjugate(int) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Form the conjugate of the element on one-dimensions by negating the imaginary parts.
conjugate(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to form the Complex conjugate of an element in one-dimensions.
conjugate(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to form the Complex conjugate of an element in two-dimensions.
conjugate(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to form the Complex conjugate of an element in three-dimensions.
conjugate() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to take conjugate of the whole DataBuffer.
conjugate(int) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Form the conjugate of the ith Complex element.
conversionFlag - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Flag for Complex to double conversion, initially defaults to Complex.MODULUS
currentWidth - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Current width span of data, this will alter under FFTs of real data.


DataArray - Class in jfftw
Abstract Class type to manipulate hold data for FFTW methods.
DataArray() - Constructor for class jfftw.DataArray
dataBuffer - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Internal data buffer holding the data in double[] array
deletePlan() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method delete the current plan.
depth - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Depth or third size of the data array
depth - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Depth of the data


errorStream - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
PrintStream on which errors are printed.
errorStream - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
PrintStream for warning and error messages.
ESTIMATE - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for quick and dirty plan search (fast, but not optimal)
EXHAUSTIVE - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for exhaustive plan search (very slow)
exportWisdom(String) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Boolean method to export the current wisdom to a file.


fft - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
fft - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
fft - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
fftw - Static variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Static FFTW object used for taking the ffts, this is loaded statically once and pass shared to all instances.
FFTW - Class in jfftw
Basic class for Java access to the fftw3 library to take Fourier Transforms or one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional data held in double[] arrays.
FFTW() - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTW
Default constructor, do nothing but load the sharable library.
FFTW(FFTW) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTW
Constructor to form a new FFTW, being a copy of the specified one.
FFTW(boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTW
Constructor with flag to optionally load the system wisdom file.
FFTW(String) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTW
Constructor to load specified wisdom file specified by name.
FFTWComplex - Class in jfftw
Class to implement simple one-off Complex to Complex Fourier transforms using jfftw as a native library.
FFTWComplex() - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Default constructor which load sharable library and sets defaults.
FFTWComplex(FFTW) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Constructor to form a FFTWComplex from a FFTW, The PlanFlag is also copied.
FFTWComplex(boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Constructor to optionally load system wisdom file
FFTWComplex(String) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Constructor to load specified wisdom file by name
FFTWComplexDemo - Class in jfftw.demo
FFTWComplexDemo() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.FFTWComplexDemo
FFTWComplexDemoSplit - Class in jfftw.demo
FFTWComplexDemoSplit() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.FFTWComplexDemoSplit
FFTWComplexEngine - Class in jfftw
Class to form Complex Engine with complex input and output buffer for taking either forward of backward FFTs
FFTWComplexEngine(int, int, int, double[], double[], int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a three-dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size with specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexEngine(int, int, double[], double[], int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a two dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size with specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexEngine(int, double[], double[], int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a one dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size with specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexEngine(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a three dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size The input and output buffers will be automatically created.
FFTWComplexEngine(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a two-dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size The input and output buffers will be automatically created.
FFTWComplexEngine(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Form a one-dimensional ComplexEngine of specified size The input and output buffers will be automatically created.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine - Class in jfftw
Class to for a (forward), Real to hermition complex FFT engine with a real input buffer and hermition complex output buffer.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int, int, int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a three-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int, int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a two-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a one-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a three-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a two-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FFTWComplexToRealEngine(int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Form a one-dimensional ComplexToReal Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FFTWEngine - Class in jfftw
Class to implement a FFT Engine based on FFTW.
FFTWEngine() - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWEngine
FFTWReal - Class in jfftw
Class to implement simple one-off Real to Complex and Complex to RealFourier transforms using fftw as a native library.
FFTWReal() - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWReal
Default constructor, does nothing but load the sharable library.
FFTWReal(FFTW) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWReal
Constructor to form a FFTWReal from a any FFTW.
FFTWReal(boolean) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWReal
Constructor to optionally load system wisdom file if available.
FFTWReal(String) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWReal
Constructor to load specified wisdom file by name.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine - Class in jfftw
Class to for a (forward), Real to hermition complex FFT engine with a real input buffer and hermition complex output buffer.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int, int, int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a three-dimensional RealToComplex Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int, int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a two-dimensional RealToComplex Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a one-dimensional RealToComplex Engine specified input and output buffers.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a three-dimensional RealToComplex Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a two-dimensional RealToComplex Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FFTWRealToComplexEngine(int) - Constructor for class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Form a one-dimensional RealToComplex Engine whithe input and and output baffer are aoutomatically created.
FORWARD - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for forward FFT
fourier() - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to take in-place fft.
fourier() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Abstract method to form the un-shifted Fourier transform
FOURIER - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for Fourier space
fourier() - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to take in-place fft.
from(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract the current Complex FROM specified value returning a new Complex
from(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract the current Complex FROM specified value retuning a new Complex
from(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract the current Complex from a scalar returning a new Complex


getComplex(double[], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to get the ith Complex element from an interleaved array where real part is in 2*i and imaginary in 2*i + 1.
getComplex(double[], double[], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to get the ith Complex element from a split array consisting of real and imaginary parts.
getComplex(double[][], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to get the ith Complex element from a split array consisting of real and imaginary parts in a [2][] array
getComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to get a Complex element in one-dimensional case.
getComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the value of Complex element in one-dimensions case.
getComplex(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the value of a Complex element in two-dimensions.
getComplex(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the value of a Complex element in three-dimensions
getComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to get a Complex in one-dimensional case.
getConversion() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the current Complex to double conversion flag.
getCurrentWidth() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the current width data width.
getDataBuffer() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the current internal dataBuffer as a double[].
getDepth() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the data depth (tertiary direction).
getDepth() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the depth, for a one or two-dimensional beffer this will be 1.
getDouble(int) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to get double, converted from current Complex as specified by the conversion flag.
getDouble(int) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to get the double value of the element on one-dimensions where the Complex real conversion is controlled by setConversion(), which defaults to Complex.MODULUS.
getDouble(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get value of double element in one-dimension.
getDouble(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get value of double element in two-dimensions.
getDouble(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get value of double element in three-dimensions
getDouble(int) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to get value of element as a double.
getFFTW() - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to get underlying FFTWComplex
getFFTW() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to return the underlying FFTW class.
getFFTW() - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to get underlying FFTWReal
getHeight() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the data height (secondary direction).
getHeight() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the height, for a one-dimensional buffer this will be 1.
getImag() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the imag part
getInputBuffer() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the input buffer
getInputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to get an input element as a Complex
getInputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Method to get a specifed element if the input buffer
getInputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Abstract method to get the specifed input element as a Complex.
getInputComplex(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the spefied input elements as complex using two dimensional access.
getInputComplex(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the spefied input elements as complex using three dimensional access.
getInputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Method to get an element of the Real input buffer as a Complex
getInputReal(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
getInputReal(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
getInputReal(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get an input element is a double Only implemeneted for Real data
getInputReal(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get an input element is a double using two-dimensional access
getInputReal(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get an input element is a double using three-dimensional access
getInputReal(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Method to get an input element as a real
getInputWidth() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the input array width.
getNormalisation() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the normalisation flag.
getOutputBuffer() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the output buffer
getOutputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to get an output element as a Complex
getOutputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
getOutputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Absract method to get the specifed output element as a Complex.
getOutputComplex(int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the spefied output element as a complex using two dimensional access.
getOutputComplex(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the spefied output element as a complex using three dimensional access.
getOutputComplex(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Method to get an element of the Complex output buffer as a Complex
getOutputReal(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Method to get an element real output buffer
getOutputWidth() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get the output data width.
getPlanFlag() - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to get the plan flag
getReal() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the real part
getRealDataArray(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Get the current DataArray as a RealData array using the specified conversion flag.
getRealDataArray() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Get the current DataArray are a RealDataArray using the internal conversion flag
getSpace() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the current space description flag.
getType() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the type (actually the class name) as a String.
getVersion() - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to get the version string
getWidth() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the data width (primary direction).
getWisdom() - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to get the wisdom information as a String


height - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Height or secondary size of data array.
height - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Height of the data


i - Variable in class jfftw.Complex
The imaginary part
IMAG - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify imaginary part of Complex number
inputBuffer - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
The input buffer of the Engine
inputWidth - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Width of the input data
interleave(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to take two double arrays normally holding real and imaginary parts and interleave them to a single array.
interleave(double[][]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to take split array normally holding real and imaginary parts and interleave them to a single array.
isComplex() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to determine if the current data is Complex.
isNaN() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Test of either components set to NaN


jfftw - package jfftw
jfftw.demo - package jfftw.demo


length() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the length of the internal double[] dataBuffer
loaded - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Boolean to determine in the sharable library has been loaded successfully.
loadWisdom() - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Boolean method to load system wisdom file
loadWisdom(String) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Boolean method to load wisdom file from specified file by name.
loadWisdomFromString(String) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Boolean method to load the wisdom froma local Java String
LOG_POWER - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify Log Power of a Complex
logPower() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the log power, being defines at log(r*r + i*i + 1.0)


main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.CheckerBoard
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.ComplexDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.FFTWComplexDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.FFTWComplexDemoSplit
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.OneDimensionDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.SineWave
main(String[]) - Static method in class jfftw.demo.TwoDimensionDemo
makePlan() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to make the current plan
makePlan() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
makePlan() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to make the current plan using the current defaults
makePlan() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
maxModSqr(double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get the modulus squared of the largest elements of an interleaved Complex array.
maxModSqr(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get the modulus squared of the largest elements of a split Complex array with real and imaginary parts held in separate arrays.
maxModSqr(double[][]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get the modulus squared of the largest elements of a split Complex array
maxModSqr() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the largest modulus square value in the DataBuffer This is valid for both real and complex data
minus(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract a complex from the current retuning a new Complex
minus(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract a complex from the current returning a new Complex
minus(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Subtract a real number from the current retuning a new Complex
modulus(double[], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Get the modulus of specified element of interleaved array
MODULUS - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify the modulus of a Complex number
modulus() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the modulus of the Complex
MODULUS_SQUARED - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify the modulus squared of a Complex number
modulusSq() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the modulus squared of the Complex
modulusSqr(double[], int) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Get the modulus square of specified element of interleaved array
mult(double[], int, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Multiply specified element of interleaved array by a double
mult(double[], int, double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Multiply specified element of interleaved array by a complex specified as two doubles.
mult(double[], int, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Multiply specified element of interleaved array by a complex.
mult(double[], double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply an interleaved array by a double.
mult(double[][], double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply a split array by a double.
mult(double[], double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply a interleaved array by a complex specified as two doubles.
mult(double[], Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply an interleaved array by a complex.
mult(double[][], double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply a split array by a complex specified as two doubles.
mult(double[][], Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply a split array by a complex.
mult(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply two complex interleaved data arrays placing the result in the first.
mult(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply two split arrays putting the result in the first.
mult(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Multiply the current by a scalar returning a new Complex
mult(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Multiply the current by a specified Complex, returning a new Complex.
mult(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Multiply the current by a specified Complex, returning a new Complex.
mult(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.Complex
Static mult method with two parameters
mult(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Multiply an element by a double
mult(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Multiply an element by a Complex specified
mult(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiple an element by a double in one-dimensions.
mult(int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiple an element by a double in two-dimensions.
mult(int, int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiple an element by a double in three-dimensions.
mult(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply an element by a Complex in one-dimension.
mult(int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply an element by a Complex in one-dimension.
mult(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply an element by a Complex in two-dimension.
mult(int, int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply an element by a Complex in three-dimension.
mult(double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to muliply the whole DataArray by a scalar
mult(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply the whole DataArray by a complex specifed as two doubles.
mult(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply the whole DataArray by a Complex.
mult(DataArray) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply the current DataArray by a specified DataArray which must be of the same size, the result overwriting the contents of the current DataArray.
mult(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Multiply an element by a double, works in both real and fourier space.
mult(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Multiply an element by a Complex specified by two doubles in Fourier space.
multBy(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to mult the current Complex by specified Complex
multBy(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to mult the current Complex by specified Complex
multBy(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to mult the current Complex by specified real
multConj(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Multiply the current by the conjugate of the specified Complex retuning a new Complex
multConjugate(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply a interleaves complex arrays with the complex conjugate of an interleaved array, placing the result in the first.
multConjugate(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to multiply first array by complex conjugate of the second.
multConjugate(DataArray) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to multiply the current DataArray by the Complex Conjugate of specified DataArray which must be of the same size the result overwriting the contents of the current DataArray.


normaliseDB() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Protected method to normalise the data buffer


oneDimensional(double[], double[], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take one-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional interleaved double array.
oneDimensional(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take one-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional interleaved double array.
oneDimensional(double[][], double[][], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex one-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
oneDimensional(double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex one-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
oneDimensionalBackward(double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take a one dimensional Backward FFT of a complex hermition array to give Real output.
oneDimensionalBackward(double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take a one dimensional Backward FFT of a complex hermition array to give Real output.
oneDimensionalForward(double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take a one dimensional Forward FFT of a real data array of n elements with output to specifed array.
oneDimensionalForward(double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take a one dimensional Forward FFT of a real data array of n elements with output to specifed array.
OneDimensionDemo - Class in jfftw.demo
Simple test program to form sin function in ComplexDataArray, take it FFT twice and compare with the original.
OneDimensionDemo() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.OneDimensionDemo
outputBuffer - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
The output buffer of the Engine
outputWidth - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Width of the output data
over(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Divide the current Complex by a scalar returning a new Complex
over(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Divide the current by specified Complex returning new Complex
over(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Divide the current by specified Complex returning new Complex


PATIENT - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for patient plan search (medium slow)
PHASE - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify the phase of a Complex number
phase() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Get the phase from atan2(i,r) method.
plan - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Plan id
planFlag - Variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Integer to set to the current plan in use by the package.
plus(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Add a complex to the current returning a new Complex.
plus(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Add a complex to the current returning a new Complex
plus(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Add a real number to the current returning a new Complex.
power(double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get power (sum of modulus squared) in an Complex interleaved array.
power(double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get power (sum of modulus squared) in an Complex split array held in real and imaginary arrays.
power(double[][]) - Method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Method to get power (sum of modulus squared) in an Complex split array.
power() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the total power in the DataSet being the sum of the modulus squared of all the elements
powerSpectrum(boolean) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to get the PowerSpectrum as a RealDataArray In data is in real space, then it is automatically Fourier transformed using centreFourier.


r - Variable in class jfftw.Complex
The real part
readWisdom(BufferedReader) - Static method in class jfftw.FFTW
Static method to read a Wisdom file into a String from a BufferedReader
readWisdom(File) - Static method in class jfftw.FFTW
Static method to read a Wisdom file into a String from a File
REAL - Static variable in class jfftw.Complex
Static to specify real part of Complex number
REAL - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Flag for Real space
RealDataArray - Class in jfftw
Class to handle Real Data arrays in either Real or Fourier space.
RealDataArray(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Constructor to form a three-dimensional RealDataArray in real space.
RealDataArray(int, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Constructor to form a two-dimensional RealDataArray, in real space.
RealDataArray(int) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Constructor to form a one-dimensional RealDataArray, in real space.
RealDataArray(RealDataArray) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Form a RealDataArray with all parameters taken from the specified RealDataArray.
RealDataArray(int, int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Forms a general RealDataArray taking its data from the a supplied double[] assumed to be in the correct (row) order.
RealDataArray(BufferedImage, int) - Constructor for class jfftw.RealDataArray
Constructor to form the a two-dimensional RealDataArray from a band of a Java BufferedImage.


scale(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Form a scaled Complex from the current Complex with specified modulus, while retaining phase.
set(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method reset Complex value
set(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to reset the Complex value
setComplex(double[], int, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of a interleaved complex array with a Complex.
setComplex(double[], int, double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of a interleaved complex array with a two doubles
setComplex(double[], double[], int, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of split array array with a Complex.
setComplex(double[], double[], int, double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of split array array with two doubles
setComplex(double[][], int, Complex) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of split array array with a Complex.
setComplex(double[][], int, double, double) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static to set the ith component of split array array with a Complex.
setComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to set a Complex point in one-dimension with two doubles.
setComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a complex specified as two doubles in one-dimension.
setComplex(int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a Complex in one dimensions.
setComplex(int, int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a complex in two-dimensions
setComplex(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a Complex in two-dimensions.
setComplex(int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a Complex point in three-dimension.
setComplex(int, int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set an element with a Complex in three-dimensions.
setComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to set a Complex point in one-dimension with two doubles.
setConversion(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set default conversion from Complex to double.
setDataBuffer(double[]) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set the internal dataBuffer to specified double[] array.
setDimensions(int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set the sizes, not normally called directly since there is no interval sanity checking.
setDimensions(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set the dimensions.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.ComplexDataArray
Method to set the Real part of an element with a double, the imaginary part is not modified.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set element with a double in one-dimension.
setDouble(int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set element with a double in two-dimensions.
setDouble(int, int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set element with a double in three-dimensions.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.RealDataArray
Method to set a double point in one-dimensions.
setErrorStream(PrintStream) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to reset the default errorStream for package.
setExpi(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to set Complex value to expi(theta)
setFormatString(String) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Change the default format, by default set to "%g"
setImag(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Set the imaginary part, real part unchanged
setInputBuffer(double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set the input buffer to specifed array
setInputBuffer(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method set the input buffer to new double[] array of specified length.
setInputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to set the specifed element of the input complex with two doubles.
setInputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Method to set a complex elemment in the input buffer
setInputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Abstact method to set an input complex element with two doubles.
setInputComplex(int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an input input complex element with a complex
setInputComplex(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an input input complex element with a complex using two-diemnsional access
setInputComplex(int, int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an input input complex element with a complex ueing three-diemnsional access
setInputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Method to set an input element with a Complex, but since the input is real only a warning message is generated
setInputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to set a specifeid element od the complex input array with real, it will set the real part to specifed value and the inaginary to zero.
setInputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Method to set the an input buffer element with a double
setInputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Abstarct to set an input element with a single real
setInputReal(int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an inout element with a real using two-diemnsional access
setInputReal(int, int, int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an input element with a real using three-diemnsional access
setInputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Method to set the an input buffer element with a double
setInvalid() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to set the current Complex to be invalid, with both real and imaginary set to NaN
setNormalisation(boolean) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to control auto normalisation on inverse flag, which is by default set to true.
setOutputBuffer(double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set the output buffer to specifed array.
setOutputBuffer(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method set the output buffer to new double[] array of specified length Note the is no sanity checkinng.
setOutputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to set the specifed element of the output complex with two doubles.
setOutputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
setOutputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Abstact method to set an output complex element with two doubles.
setOutputComplex(int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an output complex element with a complex
setOutputComplex(int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an output complex element with a complex ueing two-diemnsional access
setOutputComplex(int, int, int, Complex) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to set an output complex element with a complex ueing three-diemnsional access
setOutputComplex(int, double, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWRealToComplexEngine
Methed to set the an element in the outpout Complex array with two doubles.
setOutputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to set a specifeid elemment of the complex output array with real, it will set the real part to specifed value and the inaginary to zero.
setOutputReal(int, double) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexToRealEngine
Method to set the an element in the output Real array with a double.
setPlanFlag(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to set the plan flag, default is ESTIMATE
setPolar(double, double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to set the Complex value with polar parameters
setRandomPhase(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Method to set a Complex to a specified modulus, but the phase set randomly between 0 to 2pi
setReal(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Set the real part, imaginary part unchanged
setSign(int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
Method to set the sign to FORWARD of BACKWARD (this is only needed for Complex Engine.
setSpace(int) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to set the space.
setSystemWisdom(String) - Method in class jfftw.FFTW
Method to reset the system wisdom file location.
sign - Variable in class jfftw.FFTWComplexEngine
SineWave - Class in jfftw.demo
Test program to take Complex FT of a one-dimensional sin wave with one frequency in real and one in imaginary.
SineWave() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.SineWave
sizeMatch(DataArray) - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Method to test if specified DataArray is of the same size at the current DataArray
space - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Space flag initially defaults to FFTW.REAL
split(double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to split an interleaved array into two split array, returned as a double[2][] array with [0][i] and [1][i] holding the real / imaginary parts.
split(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jfftw.ArrayUtil
Static method to form a split array from a real and imaginary array.


threeDimensional(int, int, int, double[], double[], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take three-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional double array with real parts in even elements, and imaginary in the odd.
threeDimensional(int, int, int, double[], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take three-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional double array with real parts in even elements, and imaginary in the odd.
threeDimensional(int, int, int, double[][], double[][], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex three-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
threeDimensional(int, int, int, double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex three-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
threeDimensionalBackward(int, int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the three dimensional backward DFT of a hermition complex DFT held in a double array with real/imag parts in even/odd elements, with the i,j Complex components in : *
threeDimensionalBackward(int, int, int, double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the three dimensional backward DFT of a hermition complex DFT held in a double array with real/imag parts in even/odd elements, with the i,j Complex components in : *
threeDimensionalForward(int, int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the three dimensional Forward DFT of a real cube held in one dimensional double array.
threeDimensionalForward(int, int, int, double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the three dimensional Forward DFT of a real cube held in one dimensional double array.
throwLoadException - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Public static boolen to determine if an excepction in thrown if the native library is missing.
toString() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Format the current Complex as a String
toString() - Method in class jfftw.DataArray
Default toString method to report information about DataArray.
toString() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method to get basic information as a String.
twoDimensional(int, int, double[], double[], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take two-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional double array with real parts in even elements, and imaginary in the odd.Element i,j is located at Real part 2*(j*width + i) Imag part 2*(j*width + i) + 1
twoDimensional(int, int, double[], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take two-dimensional Complex FFT with the data supplied in a one-dimensional double array with real parts in even elements, and imaginary in the odd Element i,j is located at Real part 2*(j*width + i) Imag part 2*(j*width + i) + 1
twoDimensional(int, int, double[][], double[][], int) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex two-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
twoDimensional(int, int, double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWComplex
Method to take a Complex two-dimensional FFT with the real and imaging data split format in a two-dimensional array of size [2][length] with the the i th component with real in the [0][i] element and the imaginary element in the [1][i] element.
twoDimensionalBackward(int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the two dimensional backward DFT of a hermition complex DFT held in a double array with real/imag parts in even/odd elements, with the k,l Complex components held as follows:
twoDimensionalBackward(int, int, double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the two dimensional backward DFT of a hermition complex DFT held in a double array with real/imag parts in even/odd elements, with the k,l Complex components held as follows:
twoDimensionalForward(int, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the two-dimensional Forward FFT of a real data held in one dimensional double array.
twoDimensionalForward(int, int, double[]) - Method in class jfftw.FFTWReal
Method to take the two-dimensional Forward FFT of a real data held in one dimensional double array.
TwoDimensionDemo - Class in jfftw.demo
Simple test program for two dimensional Complex FFts.
TwoDimensionDemo() - Constructor for class jfftw.demo.TwoDimensionDemo


under(double) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Divide the specified scalar BY the current Complex returning a new Complex
under(Complex) - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Divide the specified Complex BY the current Complex
unity() - Method in class jfftw.Complex
Form a unit modulus version current Complex retaining the phase
update() - Method in class jfftw.FFTWEngine
Method perform the currebtly specifed fft.


version - Static variable in class jfftw.FFTW
Version flag


width - Variable in class jfftw.DataArray
Width or primary size of the data array.
writeWisdom(String, File) - Static method in class jfftw.FFTW
Static method to write wisdom String to a file