| |
- __builtin__.object
- Axis3d
- Vector2d
- Vector3d
class Axis3d(__builtin__.object) |
Axis3d class that define a coordinate axis system with origin and axis vectors |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, origin=vector.Vector3d(0.0000e+00 , 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00), u1_or_axis=vector.Vector3d(1.0000e+00 , 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00), u2=vector.Vector3d(0.0000e+00 , 1.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00), u3=vector.Vector3d(0.0000e+00 , 0.0000e+00, 1.0000e+00))
- Constructor for Axis3d
param origin Vector3d the nex axis origin (defaults to (0,0,0))
param u1_or_axis the u1 unit vector, (defaults to (1,0,0))
param u2 Vector3d u2 unit vector (defaults to (0,1,))
param u3 Vector3d u3 unit vectors (defaults to (0,0,1)
u1_or_axis list[] of three vectors
Note: supplied u_i vectors will be automatically normalsied
- __repr__(self)
- Implement the repr() method to show state of axis"
- transform(self, vec)
- Method to transform a Vectors3d into this axis
param vec Vector3d to be transformned
return new Vector3d in the new axis
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Vector2d(__builtin__.object) |
Class to implement two dimensional vector manipulation. |
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Implement abs() method for vector2d
- __add__(self, b)
- Method to implments the c = self + b to add 2 Vector2d, of b is a float it
will be added to each component.
return new Vector2d
- __div__(self, b)
- Method to implemnt c = self / b for b being Vector 2d or float, if float it
is appled to each component.
returns Vector2d.
- __ge__(self, b)
- Implement abs(self> >= abs(b)
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Implement indexing on read using [i] syntax.
- __gt__(self, b)
- Implement abs(self) > abs(b)
- __iadd__(self, v)
- Method to implement the += to add Vector2d to current in place, if v is a
Vectord2d the components will be added, while if it is a float it will be
added to each component.
- __idiv__(self, v)
- Method to implement the /= to divide current vector in place, if v is a
Vectord2d the components will be divided, while if it is a float it will
divide each component.
- __imul__(self, v)
- Method to implement the *= to multiply Vector2d by current in place, if v is a
Vectord3d the component s will be multiplied, while if it is a float it will
multiply each component.
- __init__(self, x_or_v=0.0, y=0.0)
- Constructor.
param x_or_v float x component (default = 0.0)
param y float y component (default = 0.0)
x_or_v Vector2d both componets copied
x_or_v list, [0] = x, [1] = y
- __isub__(self, v)
- Method to implement the -= to subtract Vector2d from current in place, if v is a
Vectord2d the components will be subtrated, while if it is a float it will be
subrtacted from each component.
- __le__(self, b)
- Implement abs(self) <= abs(b)
- __len__(self)
- Implement len() to return 2
- __lt__(self, b)
- Implement abd(self) < abs(b)
- __mul__(self, b)
- Method to implemnt c = self * b for b being Vector 2d or float, if float it
is appled to each component.
returns Vector2d.
- __neg__(self)
- Method to implement the __neg__ method to return a new -ve vector.
Note current not changed.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Implment nonzero for logical test if Valid
- __radd__(self, b)
- Method to implments the c = b + self to add 2 Vector2d, of b is a float it will
be added to each component.
return new Vector2d
- __rdiv__(self, b)
- Method to implemnt c = b / self for b being Vector 2d or float, if float
it is appled to each component.
returns Vector2d.
- __repr__(self)
- Implments repr() to return a string with full call.
- __rmul__(self, b)
- Method to implemnt c = self * b for b being Vector 2d or float, if float
it is appled to each component.
returns Vector2d.
- __rsub__(self, b)
- Method to implments the c = b - self to add 2 Vector2d, of b is a float it
will be added to each component.
return new Vector2d
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Implement indexing on write using [i] syntax
- __str__(self)
- Implement str() to return a string with components in 8.4e format.
- __sub__(self, b)
- Method to implments the c = self - b to add 2 Vector2d, of b is a float it
will be added to each component.
return new Vector2d
- abs(self)
- Return abs of vectors2d as a float.
- absCube(self)
- Return the absCube of the Vector2d as a float defined as abs(x**3) + abs(y**3).
Does not use pow or **3
- absNormalised(self)
- Method to return length f vector and normalsied vector as a pair
- absSquare(self)
- Return the absSquare of the vector2d as a float. Does not use pow or **2
- angleBetween(self, b)
- Method to get the angle between two Vector2d
param b second Vector2d
param return float, angle in range -pi/2 and pi
Note: is abs(current) and abs(b) is zero, zero is retunned
- copy(self)
- Return a copy of the current Vector2d.
- distance(self, b)
- Method to get distance between two Vector2ds Note does NOT use **2 or pow
param b the second Vector2d
return float the square of the distance between vectors.
- distanceCube(self, b)
- Method to get distanceCube between two Vector2ds Note does NOT use **2 or pow
param b the second Vector2d
return float the square of the distance between vectors.
- distanceSquare(self, b)
- Method to get distanceSquare between two Vector2ds Note does NOT use **2 or pow
param b the second Vector2d
return float the square of the distance between vectors.
- dot(self, b)
- Method to get .dot product between current and specified Vector3d
b second Vector2d
return float the dot product
- errorSquare(self, b)
- Method to set the normalsied square error between two vectors
- getComplex()
- Return a copy of the vector as a complex(x,y)
- inverseSquare(self, b)
- Method to get the vector from current to b scaled to inverse square of
the distance between them, for implementation of inverse square law forces.
- isValid(self)
- Method to deterime if Vector2d is valid, so .x != Nan
- negate(self)
- Method to negate the current vector in place, will return self to can be used in chain.
- normalise(self)
- Method to normalised vector in place. Will return selfso can be used in chain.
Note: if current vector is abs() = 0, the current vector will be set inValid()
- polar(self)
- Return a copy of the current vector in polar (r,theta) form
- rect(self)
- Return a copy of the current vector in rect (x,y) form assumeing it is in
polar (r,theta) form.
Note: there is NO checking, so if the current Vector is NOT in polar form
you will get rubbish.
- rotate(self, gamma)
- Method to implementate a rotation in place.
param gamma rotatian angle.
- round(self, figs=0)
- Method to round the current Vector2d to number of decimal figures.
param figs number of figures to round to (default is 0)
- set(self, x_or_v=0.0, y=0.0)
- Method to set componets of the vector in various formats.
param x_or_v float x component (default = 0.0)
param y float y component (default = 0.0)
x_or_v Vector2d both componets copied
x_or_v list, [0] = x, [1] = y
- setInvalid(self)
- Method to set to invalid current vector2d to Invalid by setting both compoents
to float("nan")
- setLength(self, d)
- Method to set the length of a vector to specified length. Will return self.
param d float length vector is set to.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Vector3d(__builtin__.object) |
Class to implement three dimensional vector manipulation. |
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Implement abs() to return the abs length of Vector3d as a float.
- __add__(self, b)
- Implement c = self + b for Vector3d, if b is float, then it will be added to
each component.
returns new Vector3d
- __div__(self, b)
- Implement c = self / b for Vector3d, if b is float it will divide each element
- __ge__(self, b)
- Implement >= to compare abs() of each vector
- __getitem__(self, key)
- Implement indexing on read in [i] syntax.
- __gt__(self, b)
- Implement > to compare abs() of each vectors
- __iadd__(self, v)
- Method to implement the += to add Vector3d to current in place, if v is a
Vectord3d the components will be added, while if it is a float it will be
added to each component.
- __idiv__(self, v)
- Method to implement the /= to divide current vector in place, if v is a
Vectord3d the components will be devided, while if it is a float it will
divide each component.
- __imul__(self, v)
- Method to implement the *= to multiply Vector3d by current in place, if v is a
Vectord3d the components will be multiplied, while if it is a float it will
multiply each component.
- __init__(self, x_or_v=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
- Constructor to create and set vector.
param x_or_v float x component (default = 0.0)
param y float y component (default = 0.0)
param z float z component (default = 0.0)
param x_or_v Vector3d, all three componets copied
param x_or_v list, [0] = 1, [1] = y, [2] = z
- __isub__(self, v)
- Method to implement the -= to subtract Vector3d from current in place, if v is
a Vectord3d the components will be subtrated, while if it is a float it will
be subrtacted from each component.
- __le__(self, b)
- Implement <= to compare abs() of each vector.
- __len__(self)
- Get len() defined at 3
- __lt__(self, b)
- Implement < to compare abs() of each vector.
- __mul__(self, b)
- Implement c = self * b for Vectors3d, if b is float it will multiply each element.
return new Vector3d
- __neg__(self)
- Implement the __neg__ method to return a new vector being the -ve of the current.
Note current not changed.
- __nonzero__(self)
- Implement the logical no-zero test if a vector is valid. True is self.n != Nan
- __radd__(self, b)
- Impement c = b + self for b not a Vector3d, (typically a float)
returns new Vector3d
- __rdiv__(self, b)
- Implement c = b / self for Vector3d, if b is float it will divide each element
- __repr__(self)
- Impment repr() with class name and components formatted with 8.4e
- __rmul__(self, b)
- Implement c = b * self for Vector3d, if b is float it will multiply each element.
- __rsub__(self, b)
- Implement c = b - self for Vector3d, if b is float it will be subtracted
from each element.
returns new Vector3d
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- Implement indexing on write in s[i] syntax.
- __str__(self)
- Implement str() with components formatted with 8.4e
- __sub__(self, b)
- Implement c = self - b for Vector3d, if b is float it will be subtracted
from each element.
returns new Vector3d
- abs(self)
- Return the abs of the Vector3d as a float.
- absCube(self)
- Return the absCube of the Vector3d as a float defined as
abs(x**3) + abs(y**3) + abs(z**3). Note does NOT use pow or **3
- absNormalised(self)
- Method to return abs() and normalsied copy of current vector as a
list pair (current vector not changed)
return [a,n] where a abs() and n is normalsied Vector3d
- absSquare(self)
- Return the absSquare of the vector3d as a float. Note does NOT use pow or **2
- angleBetween(self, b)
- Method to get the angle between two Vector3d
param b Vector3d second Vector3d
return float, angle in range -pi/2 and pi
Note: is abs(current) and abs(b) is zero, zero is returned.
- areaBetween(self, b)
- Method to get the area between two Vectors3d defined by a = 0.5 * abs (self x b)
param b Vector3d second Vector3d
return float, area defined by triangle formed by the two vectors
- copy(self)
- Return a copy of the current Vector3d.
- cross(self, b)
- Method to form the cross product c = self x b
return Vector3d the cross product
- distance(self, b)
- Method to det the distance between two Vector3d
param b second Vector3d
return float distance between two vectors.
- distanceCube(self, b)
- Method to get distanceCube between two Vector3d, defined by sum |a.i - b.i|^3.
Note does NOT use **2 or pow.
param b the second Vector3d
return float the cube of the distance between vectors.
- distanceSquare(self, b)
- Method to get distanceSquare between two Vector3d, Note does NOT use **2 or pow.
param b the second Vector3d
return float the square of the distance between vectors
- dot(self, b)
- Method to form the .dot product of self . b
returns float the dot product.
- errorSquare(self, b)
- Method to get the normalsied square error between two Vector3d
param b Vector3d, the second vector
return float the normalsied square error
- inverseSquare(self, b)
- Method to get the Vector3d from current to Vector3d b scaled by inverse square of
the distance between them, for implementation of inverse square law forces.
Formula implements is v = (b - self) |b - self |^3
param b Vector3d, the second vector.
returned Vectors3d the scaled vector
- isValid(self)
- Method to test if vector is Valid
returns True for Valid, else False
- negate(self)
- Method to negate the current vector in place.
- normalise(self)
- Method to normalised vector in place.
Note: if abs() = 0, the current vector will be set inValid()
- polar(self)
- Return a copy of current vector in polar (r,theta,psi) form.
- propagate(self, d, u)
- Return a new vectors that is self + d*u.
Added for efficency in options calcualations.
- rect(self)
- Return a copy of the current vector in rect (x,y,z) form from current assume to
be in polar (r,theta,psi) form.
Note: there is no error checking, so if the current Vector is NOT in polar
form you will get rubbish.
- rotate(self, alpha, beta, gamma)
- Method to implmeent general Rotate about x , y, z in place.
The rotation order is x,y then z.
param alpha rotation about x axis in radians
param beta rotation about y axis in radians
param gamma rotation about z axis in radians
- rotateAboutX(self, alpha)
- Method to implementate rotation about x axis in place.
param alpha rotatian about x axis in radians
- rotateAboutY(self, beta)
- Method to implementate a rotation about y axis in place.
param beta rotatian about y axis in radians.
- rotateAboutZ(self, gamma)
- Method to implementate a rotation about z axis in place.
param gamma rotatian about z axis in radians.
- round(self, figs=0)
- Method to round the current Vector2d to number of decimal figures.
param figs number of figures to round to (default is 0)
- set(self, x_or_v=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
- Method to set vector with various augument types.
param x_or_v float x component (default = 0.0)
param y float y component (default = 0.0)
param z float z component (default = 0.0)
param x_or_v Vector3d, all three componets copied
param x_or_v list, [0] = 1, [1] = y, [2] = z
- setInvalid(self)
- Method to set current vector3d to Invalid by setting all three
compoents to float("nan").
- setLength(self, d)
- Method to set the length (or abs) of the current vector to specified length
by scaling.
param d float length vector is set to.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| |