Conference talks
I’ve been lucky enough to travel to some fantastic places, and meet some amazing people, all in the name of neutrino physics! Take a look at the slides from some talks I’ve given to see the sorts of things we discuss at conferences.

Neutrinoless double-beta decay - physics that matters (and doesn't antimatter) - plenary talk, presented at IOP APP/HEPP Conference 2019, Imperial College, London on 10 April 2019
The SuperNEMO project and final results from NEMO-3, presented at DBD-18, Hawaii Island, USA on 21 October 2018

Status of the SuperNEMO double-beta decay experiment, presented at Institute of Physics APP/HEPP Conference 2018, Bristol, UK on 27 March 2018

Charged-current quasi-elastic scattering at MINERvA, presented at The 19th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT17), Uppsala, Sweden on 27 September 2017

Recent results from MINERvA, presented at IceCube Particle Astrophysics Symposium: Cosmic Neutrinos, What Next?, Madison, WI, USA on 05 May 2015

Recent results from MINERvA, presented at 50th Rencontres de Moriond - Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy on 16 March 2015

Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering at MINERvA, presented at New Perspectives 2014, Fermilab, IL, USA on 09 June 2014

Charged-current quasi-elastic scattering at MINERvA, presented at NuINT14 - Ninth International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the few-GeV Region, Surrey, UK on 21 May 2014

Charged-current quasi-elastic scattering at MINERvA, presented at EPS HEP 2013, Stockholm, Sweden on 19 July 2013