Welcome to my webpage. Have fun discovering what's new in the lab!
01/2018 Our recent paper on Epigenetic Memory and Genomic Bookmarking has been published in Nucleic Acids Research!
11/2017 Paper in collaboration with Angelo Rosa on the glassy dynamics of ring polymers under random pinning has been published in PRL!!
09/2017 Congratulations to Chris for his paper on Non-Equilibrium Chromosome Looping. An alternative view to loop extrusion "without a motor"! Made the cover of the Sept. issue of PRL!!
20/05/2017 Welcome Dante!
12/2016 Our paper on a Recolourable Polymer model to describe chromatin folding with an underlying dynamic epigenome has been published in PRX, followed up by an APS Focus story on How Cells Remember Who They Are signed by science writer Philip Ball!!
12/2016 My paper on the Tree-Like Structure of Rings has been published in Soft Matter!
05/2016 Last paper of my PhD: A Topologically-Driven Glass in Ring Polymers has been published in PNAS with a News&Views in Nature Physics!
10/2015 Paper on the Topological Patterns of DNA Knots accepted in PNAS!!
09/2015 Very honored to receive the IOP Ian Macmillan Ward Prize for best PhD student publication in Polymer Physics
05/2015 My model for the Kinetoplast DNA "a genomic medieval chainmail" has been published in Physical Biology!
12/2014 A Taste for Anelloni has been featured in the IOP magazine Physics World followed up by a new entry in the Wiktionary!