Husband et al., Phase transition kinetics of superionic H2O ice phases revealed by Megahertz X-ray free-electron laser-heating experiments, Nature Communications, in press.
Ball et al., Measurement bias in self-heating X-ray free electron laser experiments from diffraction studies of phase transformation in titanium, Journal of Applied Physics, in press.
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Ball, O.B., Diamond, M.R., Ali, S.J., Jeanloz, R., Eggert, J.H., Collins, G.W., McWilliams, R.S. Shock-wave study of the metallization of alkali halides up to 400 GPa. Proceedings of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Portland, Oregon, 2019, AIP Conference Proceedings 2272, 100001, 2020. PDF.
Meza-Galvez, J., Gomez-Perez, N., Marshall, A.S., Coleman, A.L., Appel, K., Liermann, H. P., McMahon, M.I., Konôpková, Z., McWilliams, R.S. Thermomechanical response of thickly tamped targets and diamond anvil cells under pulsed hard x-ray irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics 127, 195902, 2020. PDF.
Bartlett, H. B., Gomez-Perez, N., Hermes, M., McWilliams, R.S. Viscosity measurement from microscale convection at high pressure and temperature. Physical Review B 101, 144202, 2020. PDF.
Pace, E.J., Coleman, A.L., Husband, R.J., Hwang, H., Choi, J., Kim, T., Hwang, G.C., Chun, S.H., Nam, D., Kim, S.S., Ball, O.B., Liermann, H.-P., McMahon, M.I., Lee, Y., McWilliams, R.S. Intense Reactivity in Sulfur-Hydrogen Mixtures at High Pressure under X-ray Irradiation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 1828, 2020. PDF.
Jiang, S., Holtgrewe, N., Geballe, Z.M., Lobanov, S.S., Mahmood, M.F., McWilliams, R.S. and Goncharov, A.F. A Spectroscopic Study of the Insulator–Metal Transition in Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium. Advanced Science 1901668, 2019. PDF.
Coleman, A.L., Gorman, M.G., Briggs, R., McWilliams, R.S., McGonegle, D., Bolme, C.A., Gleason, A.E., Fratanduono, D.E., Smith, R.F., Galtier, E., Lee, H.J., Nagler, B., Granados, E., Collins, G.W., Eggert, J.H., Wark, J.S. and McMahon, M.I. Identification of Phase Transitions and Metastability in Dynamically Compressed Antimony Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction. Physical Review Letters 122(25): 25570, 2019. PDF.
Gorman, M. G., Coleman, A. L., Briggs, R., McWilliams, R. S., Hermann, A., McGonegle, D., Bolme, C. A., Gleason, A. E., Galtier, E., Lee, H. J., Granados, E., McBride, E. E., Rothman, S., Fratanduono, D. E., Smith, R. F., Collins, G. W., Eggert, J. H., Wark, J. S., McMahon, M. I. Recovery of metastable dense Bi synthesized by shock compression. Applied Physics Letters 114(12): 120601, 2019. PDF.
Gorman, M. G., Coleman, A. L., Briggs, R., McWilliams, R. S., McGonegle, D., Bolme, C. A., Gleason, A. E., Galtier, E., Lee, H. J., Granados, E., Śliwa, M., Sanloup, C., Rothman, S., Fratanduono, D. E., Smith, R. F., Collins, G. W., Eggert, J. H., Wark, J. S., and McMahon , M. I. Femtosecond diffraction studies of solid and liquid phase changes in shock-compressed bismuth. Scientific Reports 8(1): 16927, 2018. PDF.
Celliers, P.M., Millot, M., Brygoo, S., McWilliams, R.S., Fratanduono, D.E., Rygg, J.R., Goncharov, A.F., Loubeyre, P., Eggert, J.H., Peterson, J.L., Meezan, N.B., Le Pape, S., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R., and Hemley, R.J. Insulator-metal transition in dense fluid deuterium. Science 361, 677–682, 2018.
Jiang, S., Holtgrewe, N., Lobanov, S.S., Su, F., Mahmood, M.F., McWilliams, R.S., Goncharov, A.F. Metallization and molecular dissociation of dense fluid nitrogen. Nature Communications 9(1): 2624, 2018. PDF.
Gomez-Perez, N., Rodriguez, J., McWilliams, R.S. Finite element modeling of melting and fluid flow in the laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 145904, 2017. PDF.
Briggs, R., Gorman, M.G., Coleman, A.L., McWilliams, R.S., Bolme, C.A., Smith, R.F., Fratanduono, D.E., Collins, G.W., Eggert, J.H., Lazicki, A.E. McBride, E.E., Wark, J.S., McGonegle, D., Galtier, E., Lee, H.J., Nagler, B., Rothman, S., Peacock, L. and McMahon, M.I. Ultra-fast X-ray Diffraction Studies of Phase Transitions, Equation of State and Phase Diagram of Shock-Compressed Scandium. Physical Review Letters, 118(2): 025501, 2017. PDF.
McMahon, M.I., McWilliams, R.S. Dynamic times for ESRF–EBS. ESRF News, 73:21, 2016. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Dalton, D.A., Konôpková, Z., Mahmood, M.F., Goncharov, A.F. Optical properties of fluid hydrogen at the transition to a conducting state. Physical Review Letters, 116(25): 255501, 2016. PDF.
Konôpková, Z., McWilliams, R.S., Gomez-Perez, N., Goncharov, A.F. Direct measurement of thermal conductivity in solid iron at planetary core conditions. Nature, 534: 99-101, 2016. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Dalton, D.A., Konôpková, Z., Mahmood, M.F., Goncharov, A.F. Opacity and conductivity measurements in noble gases at conditions of planetary and stellar interiors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(26):7925, 2015. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Konopkova, Z., Goncharov, A.F. A flash heating method for measuring thermal conductivity at high pressure and temperature: Application to Pt. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 247: 17-26, 2015. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Spaulding, D.K., Eggert, J.H., Celliers, P.M., Hicks, D.G., Smith, R.F., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R. Phase Transformations and Metallization of Magnesium Oxide at High Pressure and Temperature. Science 338(6112), 2012. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Kadry, Y., Mahmood, M.F., Goncharov, A.F., Ciezak-Jenkins, J. Structural and chemical properties of the nitrogen-rich energetic material Triaminoguanidinium 1-methyl-5-nitriminotetrazolate (TAG-MNT) under pressure. Journal of Chemical Physics 137: 054501, 2012. PDF.
Ojwang, J.G.O., McWilliams, R.S., Ke, X., Goncharov, A.F. Melting and Dissociation of Ammonia at High Pressure and High Temperature. Journal of Chemical Physics 137: 064507, 2012. PDF.
Spaulding, D.K., McWilliams, R.S., Jeanloz, R., Eggert, J.H., Celliers, P.M., Hicks, D.G., Collins, G.W., Smith R.F. Evidence for a phase transition in silicate melt at extreme temperature and pressure conditions. Physical Review Letters 108: 065701, 2012. PDF.
Goncharov, A.F., Dalton, D.A., McWilliams R.S, Mahmood, M.F. Development of ultrafast spectroscopic techniques to study rapid chemical and physical changes in materials under extreme pressure and temperature conditions. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1405, 2012. PDF.
Celliers, P.M., Loubeyre, P., Eggert, J.H., Brygoo, S., McWilliams, R.S., Hicks, D.G., Boehly, T.R., Jeanloz, R., Collins, G.W. Insulator-to-Conducting Transition in Dense Fluid Helium. Physical Review Letters, 104(18): 184503, 2010. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., Eggert, J.H., Hicks, D.G., Bradley, D.K., Celliers, P.M., Spaulding, D.K., Boehly, T.R., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R. Strength effects in diamond under shock compression from 0.1 to 1 TPa. Physical Review B, 81(19): 014111, 2010. PDF.
Eggert, J.H., Hicks, D.G., Celliers, P.M., Boehly, T. R., Jeanloz, R., McWilliams, R. S., Bradley, D. K., Collins, G.W. Melting temperature of diamond at ultra-high pressure. Nature Physics, 6:40, 2009. PDF.
Eggert, J.H., Celliers, P.M., Hicks, D.G., Rygg, J.R., Collins, G.W., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P., McWilliams, R.S., Spaulding, D.K., Jeanloz, R., Boehly, T.R. Shock Experiments on Pre-Compressed Fluid Helium. Atomic Processes in Plasmas - 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, 2009. PDF.
Martel, P., Clinton, E., McWilliams, R., Lawrence, D., Miskimen, et al. Nuclear targets for a precision measurement of the neutral pion radiative width. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 612(1): 46, 2009. PDF.
McWilliams, R.S., "Elastic and Inelastic Shock Compression of Diamond and Other Minerals", Doctoral Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, May 2008. PDF.
Hicks, D. G., Boehly, T. R., Celliers, P. M., Bradley, D. K., Eggert, J. H., McWilliams, R. S., Jeanloz, R., Collins, G. W. High-precision measurements of the diamond Hugoniot in and above the melt region. Physical Review B, 78(17): 174102, 2008. PDF.
Eggert, J.H., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P., McWilliams, R.S., Celliers, P.M., Hicks, D.G., Boehly, T.R., Jeanloz, R., Collins, G.W. Hugoniot data for helium in the ionization regime. Physical Review Letters, 100(12): 124503, 2008. PDF.
Jeanloz, R., Celliers, P.M., Collins, G.W., Eggert, J.H., Lee, K.K.M., McWilliams, R.S., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P. Achieving novel states through shock-wave loading of pre-compressed samples. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102 (22): 9172, 2007. PDF.
Spaulding, D.K., Hicks, D.G., Smith, R.F., Eggert, J.H., McWilliams, R.S., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R. New optical diagnostics for equation of state experiments on the Janus laser. Proceedings of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2007. PDF.
Celliers, P. M., Eggert, J. H., Hicks, D. G., Boehly, T. R., Miller, J. E., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P., Bradley, D. K., McWilliams, R. S., Jeanloz, R., Collins, G.W. Using laser-driven shocks to study the phase diagrams of low-Z materials at Mbar pressures and eV temperatures. Atomic Processes in Plasmas - 15th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, 2007
Eggert, J.H., Hicks, D.G., Celliers, P.M., Bradley, D.K., Cox, J.E., Unites, W.G., Collins, G.W., McWilliams, R.S., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P. Anisotropic Shock Propagation in Single Crystals. Joint 20th AIRAPT - 43th EHPRG, 2005. PDF.